Only Now, yet still not


It’s already a quarter of a year past.

Many experiences have come and gone. And much is going on in the world.

But yet, no matter how much ongoing there is, it is merely seated in the briefest of the Now – no more, no less.

The next moment, it will still be yet another now, as short-lived as the one before it.

If not for perception, if not for memory, what is the meaning of past, not to mention future?

What is the meaning of “ongoing”, except a memory of the past?

Is there a “still happening” or is it merely an intrusion of thoughts into what is now, new and here?

To witness and acknowledge this is freedom at its best.

Do you get where I am coming from? Is there “year”? Is there “time”? Is there really here, or now?

Convoluted Perception

ignorance works darn strangely
and definitely ignorantly –
when one doesn’t face her inner voices
one points a finger at others
by making wrongness in them
or play God by
summoning what should and should not be done

instead of seeing what is within that needs reform
ignorance misplaces one’s vision
with misperception
mistaking what is true as false
and making what is false as further truth
creating righteousness out of wrongness
furthering what is already in front
instead of healing
to total oblivion

having seen you so often
I simply can’t believe
how blatant you can be
reappearing again when condition permits
through the backdoor of the unconscious
entering as words of concern
or advice of so-called wisdom
and at times under pretence of compassion
as though holier than thou

in sheep skin
you came asunder
only to be found later
a wolf
of deep revenge
returning with a vengeance
of what is not faced
pushed many a times
to the abyss of the mind
through ancient times
of self deceit
and self betrayal
of lessons unlearned
returning to haunt
one more time
and yet another

with wisdom razor sharp clarity
with supporting right perception
and right understanding
one leaves the world
as one leaves what has been excreted
never again unawake
never again ignorant
to the delusion the mind creates
winning the other shore
so difficult to reach.

Human – what a strange creature!

“He who lives and knows not he is dead is but another dream

only to be awakened yet to another death.

And he who dies before he dies will not die when he dies.”
