Realizing the Bigger Picture of Existence

The world is an amazing matrix of balance. A balance that is so natural and effortless that no conscious effort is required from anyone to hold it in balance. Though in the level of physical form, certain laws, obediences and restraints are required to make sure things are in conformity so as not to tip the balance of social norms and personal needs, yet that manmade act of so-called balance is in fact an imbalance itself that will somehow takes on its own natural course of balance or correction in due course.

There is a bigger natural state of Balance occurring at all times, each moment, each second of our lives that is beyond our slightest awareness. Even the act of awareness is being Balance on its own, naturally. And when we don’t acknowledged that Balance, we play the role of control freak in being a big brother in fixing situations or events that we felt is right so that the direction of the outcome is exactly what we desired. Often than not that act of so-called balance is more of enforcement created by self-cherishing thoughts that serves the inflation of the ego. Yet that is fine too as that unconscious act itself will somehow be balanced by Balance.

Look not too far outside the world, except our own minds and we will be startled to realize many of our unnoticed intentions and motivations has that big brother mentality of control freak within. Many a times it may not manifest itself as action or even speech but stayed lingering in the mind as upsets. Lets be truthful about this – we are all on the same boat facing these stuffs in varied forms all of the time, not knowing. And when we do not know, the Balance itself will take its own course and that one day will make us realize that what we do is futile to our own peace.

The Balance is not someone “up there”  or something that plays the role of punishing or pardoning, but rather a natural act of nature taking its own course. We can only perceive it as “someone up there” when we ourselves play that role of control and thus project it outside that surely there is someone larger or apart than us doing that – it is simply a reflection of what is within us.

The Balance, or sometimes called the Tao, is a force beckoning us to realize, to wake up to it, so that every act of our own is aligning to it, so as not to tip the imbalance that will result in its own balance – pain. Pain or suffering is a very good indicator of faith that somewhere Balance is balancing the imbalance of the ego movement.

The next time lookout at your perceived idea that propels motivation and intention – and you can find in it a natural course of Balance coming back to you in a resultant form. And that Only You will experience it alone in whatever form it takes. Until you wake up to this state of Balance, of cause and effect, you will keep erroring, but that is fine too!

A Journey of Each our Own

Do you notice everyone is doing their own things all the time, and yet what they are doing does not cross the path of another? It is as if there are numerous circuits moving around on earth yet there is no one circuit that criss crosses with another. Yes, you may say there are many a times when an action of someone has an impact on another’s life and because of that the direction of what should be is shifted. But this meaning could only occur with and when our limiting way of looking at things comes from should and should not. There is a bigger Balance that none of us can see and we always have the meaning that “if only things should have been otherwise” – yet, that is a lie – delusional, if I may add, as “should be” is only an engagement of thoughts, of war within, and not what truly happened.

Would it not be wise to point out that when one is affected by what is outside, it is the inside that is causing that inner discomfort, and not vice versa. We are all actors having people around us as crews. And these crews too are actors in their own rights having people around them as their crews too. There is a splendid numbers of movies being scripted at all within one moment, at one place, at one time, to each their own. We are all living in our own world of our consciousness, our own perception, our own feelings and our own imagination. We thought we are all communicating with each other. But the truth is that we are only communicating with ourselves. On the level of form, our conceptual communication is real and tangible but when we get closer to reality we are being awakened to the reality that we are all living a dream of our own, albeit unknowingly.

We have never communicated with anyone. When we hear something from outside, what is within each of us – our own conditioning of ideas and views – meet what is out there and the process of assimilation within takes place. Hence when the mind is ignorant, what it process comes from ignorant and results in an experience of ignorance. Where and when there is wisdom, what is being processed comes from the space of vastness and openness as wisdom has that potential of expanding further what is already there. Ignorance only has the nature of seeing things narrowly and hence constantly missing the mark of what is exactly potentially awaiting.

Thus in truth we are not criss crossing another’s path; rather we are merely a catalyst of triggering what is within another – for if there is a cleaning slate within another, trigger meaning becomes meaningless. We can figuratively speak that our presence in another’s  life serve as an awakening or of a deeper slumber, depending whether ignorance or wisdom is present in that person at that point in time. On the same note, people around us are also potential for us to grow or to stay stagnant. When we see this truth, life becomes more meaningful as it is no longer about getting more or getting somewhere but rather here in the now of what is being experienced for undoing to take place, for forgiveness to release what we are still holding on to, for wisening up to Truth.

What Happened in the Past

what happened in the past
is happening now
unless you are not thinking about it

what happened in the past
is not happening now
even if you are thinking about it

what happened in the past
is neither happening now nor not happening now
except thoughts thinking you

what happened in the past
is what happened in the past
fortunately as it is, even in the unfortunate

what happened in the past
did not happen in the past
except a mirage of recurring perception

what happened in the past
is not past happened
only what seemed to be

feast then all variation of sort
of which they are the same
pointing to levels of wisdom