Essence Quickie 7: The world of which I created I can uncreate.

If hacking the computer system is potentially possible, irrespective how secure and protected the system is, hacking the mind is possible too. I just need sheer interest, curiosity and observing mind in recognizing how the system works.

Essence Quickie 6: Only ideas meet ideas and compromise on the somewhat similar qualities or so they think and bundle with each other thinking or convincing that it’s the same idea to later result in conflict. – Geraldine Kok

Like a moving bullock cart wheel arriving in tangent with the ground, there is no one moment of sameness of contact except being similar by nature.

Essence Quickie 5: The world, a real time movie.

Everthing, to the minutest, is supporting my experience. Who am I to you? I am supporting your movie!