Everything has Lesson for Peace

The www, in short for world wide web, is literally, non existence, though it seems virtually real. It is not something tangible I can touch or feel except what I can visually comprehend on my laptop or pc monitor. Every information that I upload into the web comes from my thoughts and perceptions, a gathered data, translated into something visual, just like this entry. Feelings play a role as my mood determines my writing and in return influences the readers. Everything that I download becomes mere information for me to apply or understand and that influences my day. Do you get what I mean? Everything that comes from me has an effect on the world, whether I am receiving or giving from my end.

If I were to dissect the computer into parts, I could not find any data in it except a few pieces of chips and metal and plastic stuffs put together. It is just an empty shell, a scrap that holds no importance until I switch it on. And just a few days ago, this blog has been hacked, and it took quite awhile and hassle getting my good old friends to keep it running again. I appreciate the knowledge and understanding that comes from the process, how each and every one of us learnt something from it. In this virtual reality of the world wide web, other than the overwhelming knowledge that can be gathered from it, there is also such a thing as virus or spies that roam the system, destroying things along its way.

And what’s the difference with the mind then? When the body is being opened, brain being dissected, there is no mind found in it. There is no you or me in it. The body, like the hardware part of the computer, does not literally kept any tangible data in it, except a virtual unseen information “stored” in it. Can we say the data is in the computer? Well, the answer is a yes and no. Without the computer, the data cannot be retrieved. But yet it is not exactly something that can be touched or felt. Is the mind in the body then? A similar yes and no too.

On another level of reality, the body is also in the mind. But that is not the angle I am approaching from. For now I am experiencing what the old adage has to say, what is above so is below, what is within so is without. The world wide web is exactly what the mind is, probably a subset of it. Even the hacker, that ultimately led to my blog being shut down, is a direct reflection of the ego’s pattern that is lingering in the mind, finding ways to imitate and destroy what is pure within.

I can’t put a blame on what the hacker has done except to constantly come back to myself and look what is within me that I am not coming into peace with, from this event. The pain, the hurt, the blame, the guilt, the fear – everything comes into my embrace, taking each one as it comes through my thought, as a reference point for my own healing of peace. It is a very radical approach that is in total conflict with the egoistic nature of the world where the attention is always outwards. There are times the mind just wishes to roll back to its old pattern, and sometime it does, but each moment of remembrance is a moment of forgiveness.

Only in this space can true creation comes into my fold, only when what need to be fought are brought into peace, unconditionally. And true enough, after a three day of internal and external processes of conflict, love and forgiveness, the blog rolls itself out again. My gratitude to Sian Sit, Dr Ong, Chow and Mylini for offering me sane advices J, not forgetting the space given by Lai Fun, my wife, for me to be in my own presence.

Somehow, the break necessitate a connection with my inner beloved, where a deeper presence was made with my unseen guide. I am profoundly indebted for this invaluable lesson. Peace be unto you, the reader.

Too Familiar A Scene

To come to the Truth, the universal truth with the capital “T”, we need a total overhaul from the way we perceive things, in short, life. I am not referring to “your” truth or “my” truth, which in reality is just a bundle of ideas, but rather Truth that is beyond the mind, beyond the identity of “I”. All of us – irrespective of our beliefs, views, colors, races, cultures – are plagued by the same “old” and only thing; the mind, that is obscuring us from seeing the Truth.

Irrelevant what shape we took on, how much we have, how good we are (or bad), how we lived our life, how young or old we are, what ideology we subscribed to; we have never, never left the mind. When all are being stripped off from us, what we are left is the mind. The mind, a stranger to us, is the source of all our ideas, emotions and thoughts. None of us ever lived our life without having a unique emotion or thought that is totally unexperienced, new or unheard off – either with ourselves or with those around us. Unless it is a unique spiritual revelation, our lives revolve around the same old ancient recycled stuff brought into newness – happiness is of the same kind, except its degree, misery or stress is the same old feeling, fear is something all of us are so familiar with, not to mention jealousy, grief, and everything under the mind. It is a universal disease that is plaguing each and everyone of us, moment to moment – the mind.

But when we don’t address this mind, and see it as the cause of our conflict and dis-ease, we have the compulsion of seeking something out there to appease our ills. Our entire life will be spent unknowingly, entertaining this addiction through judgments, comparisons, complaints, jealousy, revenge. It will be a life of futility, doing things that are spreading the disease rather that uprooting the ills that are found in our system.

Difficult it is to see the mind as the cause of our suffering. What suffering, you may ask? So long as we don’t see the mind as an imprisonment of all our experiences, we will never see our life as suffering. We may be enjoying ourselves within the prison walls, oblivious to the fact that we are trapped in it. But the soul is ever weary, calling us out to stop and to start finding our way out. Seldom do we hear that inner calling, so preoccupied with seeking and craving for things and relationships, all for the sake of filling up our sense of lack, of emptiness.

To the uninitiated, that is just the norm of life, the unquestioned part of life. To the weary soul, that is the cause of inquiry, the beginning search for the meaning of life. The empty heart is the place to start, not a place to be filled.

The journey of the spirit is not something to be forced. Until and unless the meaning of life becomes meaningless, the world is still a fun place to be in, unaware of the danger that lurks at each turn – not the danger that is found outside, but the danger of an unquestioned mind – the invisible prison.

All revenges, vengeances and wars are fought meaninglessly, for the cause is not to be found in the world.

Essence Quickie 13: Impermanent Nature is all it is.

Everything is impermanent? No. Not “everything” but simply impermanent nature. Impermanent nature has nothing to do with something, everything, someone or somebody. To see “thing” and “body” is to give realness to it. When I got out from the dream I see the dream is not real, not everything in it is not real. In the same way there is only impermanent nature – not the things and bodies.